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Dr Chetan S finished UG from Sir Siddhartha Dental College, Tumkur, Karnataka in 2005. Pursued full time post graduation training – MDS in ‘Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics’ at the KLE VK Institute of Dental Sciences, Belgaum, Karnataka 2010. Utilized sophisticated state-of-the-art instruments. Mastered Orthodontic skills, art of time management, patient compliance, organization and record keeping.Previously worked in Sri Hasanamba Dental College and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India for more than 5 years and also have worked in College of dental Sciences, Davangere for almost 5 years.Have publications in National and International Journals, Contributing Author for text book titled ‘Essentials of Orthodontics’ 2018 by. Paras publications.Speaker at various National level Programs, Editorial board and Review member for various Journals.
He is a life member of the prestigious Indian Orthodontic Society and also Life member of Indian Dental Association
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Awards/ Accolades:
- Contributing Author for text book titled “Essentials of Orthodontics” by Rohan Mascarenhas. Paras publications. 2018
- Editorial board member as advisory board member in journal Annals of Health and Health Sciences
- Editorial board member in International Journal of Dental Medicine from September 9th2020
- Organizing secretary for 2 day national Hands ‘Bent it like Burstone’ 7th& 8th September 2018
- Organizing secretary for Orthodontic Zonal PG Convention 2019, Hassan September 20-22, 2019
- Radio talk on Malocclusion in Kannada – Akashavani, Hassan – 20-11-17
- Article about Malocclusion in Kannada – Janatha Madhyama – nov 3rd2018
- Reviewer for JCDR, Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry, Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine, etc..
- Artificial Intelligence Based Tooth Brush – Indian Patent
- Teeth Damage Detecting Sensor Device – Indian Patent
- Smart Endodontic device for root canal treatment – UK Patent
- En-masse retraction of maxillary anterior teeth with force from four different levels – A Finite element study. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 Sep, Vol-8(9): ZC26-ZC30.
- Easy way for cinching NiTi wires. The Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society, April-June 2014;48(2):145-146.
- Individual canine retraction: RCT comparing Mulligan bypasses arch and Active laceback ligatures. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS). Volume 13, Issue 5 Ver. IV. (May. 2014), PP 34-37.
- An overview on Occupational hazards in Dental practice and Preventive measures. CODS Journal of Dentistry. 2014; 6(1):19-25.
- Easy and effective technique of preventing incisor flaring during Forsus treatment. APOS Trends Orthod2014;4:144-5. September
- ‘O’ device: For easy placement of open coil spring. APOS Trends Orthod2014;4:178-9.
- Tissue Friendly Pendulum: Soft Liner to prevent Tissue Irritation. The Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society, October-December 2014;48(4):429-430.
- Lasers A Boon to Orthodontics. .Indian Dental Journal. 2016 (8): 55-59.
- Nonextraction treatment of an adult with class ii division 2 malocclusion with auto rotation of mandible. Indian Dental Journal 2017 (9) :3-12.
- Recycling of Brackets: Unleashing the Lucid Way. International Journal of Dental Science and Innovative Research 2019;2(4) : 64-68.
- Usha Dayanarayana, Shilpa Padar Shastry, Chetan Shankar, Naveen Kumar N, Rama Murthy TK, Mahesh. Allergic Manifestations in the Oral Cavity. CDA Journal. 2022 – May; 50(4): 245-255.
- Anandu M, Suchareeta Panda , Chetan Shankar , Vidya Dhari K, Madhuri Sakarey, Effects Of Fluoride Prophylactic Agents On The Mechanical Properties Of Orthodontic Arch Wires- An Invitro Study. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2022-May;11(5):1-3.
- Contributing Author for text book titled ‘Essentials of Orthodontics’ by Rohan Mascarenhas. Paras publications. First Edition 2018, ISBN No :978-93-86480-26-2, Printed in Hyderabad, India
- ‘Issues and Developments in Medicine and Medical Research’ Vol. 9 – Dr. Rafik Karaman, (Editor) – Publisher: Book Publisher International. ISBN 978-93-5547-505-3 (Print), ISBN 978-93-5547-506-0 (eBook), DOI: 10.9734/bpi/idmmr/v9.
Chapter 7: Occupational Hazards Related to Dental Practice and Preventive Measures: An Overview. D. S. Poorya Naik, S. Chetan, B. R. Gopal Krishna, and Naveen Shamnur. DOI: 10.9734/bpi/idmmr/v9/2555C
- ‘CLASSIFICATIONS OF CLEFT LIP AND CLEFT PALATE’, ISBN: 978-620-4-98460-5, Editor: efocsa, Authors: Chetan Shankar, Vidya Dhari Kosuri, Rajivi Kalpakuri . LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. 2022.
Effectiveness of Different Etching Agents on Enamel Surface and Shear Bond Strength: An In Vitro Evaluation. Cureus 16(2): e54008. DOI 10.7759/cureus.54008 – February 11, 2024
- Rising Star Speaker at the 56th Indian Orthodontic Conference from 16th to 18th September 2022 at the Bharati Vidyapeeth (deemed to be university) campus, Pune, India.
Dr Manju Prasad.M
Dr. Manju Prasad finished his BDS from Vydehi Institute of Dental Sciences, Bangalore in the year 2009 and MDS from Krishnadevaraya College of Dental Sciences, Bangalore in the year 2014. He has an experience of over 7years in the field of Orthodontics. He is specialised in Straight wire technique, Self Ligation, Lingual technique, Aligners and Surgical Orthodontics. He has a number of publications in national and international journals. He is a life member of Indian Orthodontic Society.
Know More About Dr.Manju Prasad
- Clinical evaluation of proclanation of lower anterior teeth during alignment using a single width bracket-a pilot study.JCCR2013;10
- Validity of visual vector relationship for clinical assesment of anterior malar projection and the changes observed in face mask theraphy- a retrospective study. IOSR-JDMS,2016 15;7:143-148
- Dental imprints-a review
- An in-vitro Evaluation of canal transportation and centring ability of two rotary Nickel Titanium systems (Twisted Files and Hyflex files) with conventional stainless Steel hand K-flexo files by using Spiral Computed Tomography.
- Shivakumar B, Arunakshi, Niveditha, Shivaprasad, Manjuprasad. Validation of demirijans’s 8-teeth method of age estimation in the population of Bengaluru. J Oral and Maxillofac Patho 2022;25:499-502.
Wisdom from wisdom tooth: radiographic assessment of age using third molar-a retrospective review.
Dr AnanduM
Dr Anandu M completed his bachelors degree from Sri Ramakrishna Dental college,Coimbatore in 2008.He later pursued his post graduation in Vydehi Dental College and Research Institute,Bangalore in 2015.He has carved a niche for himself in the field of advanced orthodontics.He has a certification in Lingual orthodontics from AIIMS,New Delhi. His accolades include national and international journal publications.
He is a life member of the prestigious Indian Orthodontic Society and also Life member of Indian Dental Association.
Know More About Dr.Anandu M
- Effects of labial and lingual retractions and intrusion force on maxillary central incisor with varying column angle- a three dimensional finite element analysis. JIOS, 2017;51:1,28-37.
- Spring loaded transpalatal arch with turbo v spring for correction of severe torsiversion- a rare case. IJO.2016 summer; 27(2) 15-19.
- Anandu M, Suchareeta Panda , Chetan Shankar , Vidya Dhari K, Madhuri Sakarey, Effects Of Fluoride Prophylactic Agents On The Mechanical Properties Of Orthodontic Arch Wires- An Invitro Study. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2022-May;11(5):1-3.

Dr Vidya Dhari Kosuri
Senior Lecturer
Dr Vidya Dhari Kosuri finished UG from Gitam Dental College,Vishakapatnam, Andhra pradesh in 2015. Pursued full time post graduation training – MDS in ‘Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics’ at St Joseph Dental college, Eluru, Andhra Pradesh in 2019. Skilled in classroom management and formulating best treatment plan. Have excellent oratory and presentation skills, creative thinking and great execution. Have publications in National Journals.
She is a life member of the prestigious Indian Orthodontic Society.
Know More About Dr Kosuri Vidya Dhari
- Comparative assessment of pain control in fixed orthodontic therapy by using rubber based teethers Vs ibuprofen. JRAD,2021;11;2;40-44
- ‘CLASSIFICATIONS OF CLEFT LIP AND CLEFT PALATE’, ISBN: 978-620-4-98460-5, Editor: efocsa, Authors: Chetan Shankar, Vidya Dhari Kosuri, Rajivi Kalpakuri . LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. 2022.
Anandu M, Suchareeta Panda , Chetan Shankar , Vidya Dhari K, Madhuri Sakarey, Effects Of Fluoride Prophylactic Agents On The Mechanical Properties Of Orthodontic Arch Wires- An Invitro Study. International Journal of Scientific Research. 2022-May;11(5):1-3.
Dr. Gaurav Gopal Varma, Dr. V Gopalakrishnan, Dr. Vidya Dhari K, Dr. Tishura Arunagiry, Dr. Mirza Muzaamill Baig, Dr. Anshuman Jamdade. Comparative Analysis of Soft Tissue Changes Evaluated Via Cephalogram Versus CBCT: An Original Research. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results (13) Special Issue 10, Dec 2022
Vidya Dhari K, Mohammed Nehal Naimatullah, Sirisha Mekala, Seelam Prudhvi Das Reddy, Chadalawada Likhita and Manish Pisarla.Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Orthodontic Treatment among Urban and Rural Patients in Nizamabad. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences Volume 7 Issue 7 July 2023.
Sharma P, Mehta P, Manocha D, Bansal SJ, Dutta B, Kosuri VD. Microbiological and clinical evaluation of efficacy of locally delivered tetracycline in conjunction with scaling and root planning. J Pharm Bioall Sci 2023;15:S968-70.
- Guest speaker at 3rd IDA Tamilnadu State Women’s Conference held on 20.03.2022 at St. Peter’s Medical College, Hospital and Research Institute, Hosur.
Dr J S Yamini Priyanka
Senior Lecturer
Dr J S Yamini Priyanka finished UG from Govt dental college, Kadapa, Andhra pradesh in 2015. Pursued full time post graduation training – MDS in ‘Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics’ at Narayana Dental college and hospital, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh in 2020. She believes in constantly training herself to enhance her skills and knowledge. . Have publications in National and international Journals, Contributing Author for text book titled ‘Text book of Orthodontics’ 2nd edition by S Gowri shankar by Paras medical publications. She is also a peer reviewer of two national journals. She is a life member of the prestigious Indian Orthodontic Society.
Know More About Dr J S Yamini Priyanka
- Swaroop Doddavarapu, Brahmani K, Singaraju Gowri Sankar, Yamini Priyanka J S, Vivek Ganugapanta, Mandava Prasad. A Comparative evaluation of enamel surface roughness of two different bonding adhesives after debonding with atomic force microscopy. Cureus;2022 Nov:14(11)
- Keerthipati Thejasri, Singaraju Gowri Sankar, Anand Marya, Yamini Priyanka J S, Shajin shaik, Mandava Prasad. Seperation effect, pain perception during functional activity and gingival inflammation of elastomeric and kansal seperators. A split mouth study. Research square;2022 Oct
- Gowri sankar singaraju, yamini priyanka js, prasad mandava, vivek reddy ganugapanta, naga raviteja, praveen reddy jn. Data set for computation of maxillary arch perimeter with Ramanujans equation for ellipse in different malocclusions.Data in brief;july 2020
- Sasi priya vatturu, vivek reddy ganugapanta, naga ravi teja, Gowri sankar singaraju, prasad mandava, yamini priyanka js. Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of the desensitizing and remineralizing agent in the reduction of dentin hyoersesnsitivity after orthodontic debonding- a randomised clinical trial. Medicine and pharmacy reports; 2020.
- Singaraju gowri sankar, bathini prashanth, galli rajashekar, mandava prasad, ganugapanta vivek reddy, j s yamini priyanka. A comparision of different osteotomy techniques with and without pterygomaxillary disjunction in surgically assisted maxillary exapansion utilizing modified hybrid rapid maxillary expansion device with posterior implants: a finite element study. National journal of maxillofacial surgery; 2021.
- Evaluation of the self percieved psycosocial impact of dental esthetics associated with malocclusion, oral health related quality of life and body self image in young adults.
- Certificate of appreciation for participating in contributing to conduct quiz competition in 27thNational IOS Convention.