Hall Tickets for 4th Year BDS Theory Examination              RGUHS Notification No. Reg.(E)/UG-Theory /BDS-2/Aug- 24/2024-25              Hall Tickets for MDS (1st year) & BDS (2nd year) theory examination              3rd Internal Assessment Dates (Regular Batch)-2023-24              Postgraduate Degree students (BDS Part I & Part II Repeater) appearing for supplementary Theory exam during June 2024              Undergraduate Degree (BDS) 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22. Batch as only 2nd BDS students (Odd and Repeaters) Appearing for exam during June 2024              Committed to delivering exceptional education from our comprehensive campus              World oral health day March 20th 2024              NATIONAL DENTIST’S DAY              BDS students’ academic curriculum a field activity        CDE-Program Brochure        Circular - Parent teachers Meeting for underperformed students in RGUHS September 2023 examinations        Circular - Orientation Day Program and Parent Teachers Meeting       Circular - Microscope CDE Program Brochure       Circular - BDS Freshers day circular and invitation - 2023       Circular - Graduation Day 2023 Schedule       Circular - List of internship student for graudation day 2023       Circular - List of PG Students of MD-MS Degree, SSP & Fellowship Students       Circular - Graduation Day 2023       Circular - Graduation Day 2023 Students list       Circular - Wearing APRONS outside the College and Hospital Premises       VIDS PTV NAAC on Feb 2nd and 3rd 2023        Invitation Letter for NAAC Peer team interaction with parents -03-FEB-2023       Bus Routes for Medical & Dental Students of 2022-23 batch       Remedial coaching committee Meeting.       Odd Batch Students Meeting.       Circular for regular batch 2021-2022 BDS Interns - Compulsory Rotatory Internship from 06/12/2021.       Congratulation to Dr.Helen Thomas, 2019-20 PG-MDS For Best Scientific Presentation at 12th IFEA World Endodontic Online Congress Held During 31st July to 1st Aug 2021.       Graduation Day 27th Feb 2021 Invitation        MANAGEMENT, STAFF & STUDENTS OF VYDEHI INSTITUTE OF DENTAL SCIENCES & RESEARCH CENTRE LIKE TO CONGRATULATE THE FOLLOWING DOCTORS OF 2017-20 PG-MDS BATCH RANKS IN RGUHS MDS EXAMINATION FOR JUNE/JULY-2020       


Syllabus (UG, PG)

The teaching programme adheres to the stipulations laid out by the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore and is approved by the Government of Karnataka and the Dental Council of India, New Delhi.


Mode of teaching III BDS IV BDS
Theory 20 hours 30 hours
Practical/clinical 70 hours 100 hours
Total 90 hours 130hours

1.Teaching Hours

2.Schedule of Examinations

The University shall conduct two examinations annually at an interval of not less than four to six months as notified by the University from time to time.

A candidate who satisfies the requirement of attendance, progress and conduct as stipulated by the university shall be eligible to appear in the University examination. Certificate to the above effect should be produced from the Head of the Institution along with the application for examination and the prescribed fee.

3.Scheme of Examination

The scheme of examination of B.D.S. course shall be divided into 4 professional examinations, viz.,I.B.D.S. Examination at the end of first academic year, II B.D.S. at the end of second academic year,

III B.D.S. at the end of third academic year and Final year B.D.S. examination at the end of fourth academic year.

4.Internal Assessment

The internal assessment need not be limited to written tests. It should relate to other items such as maintenance of records, participation in seminars and group discussions, clinical case study, proficiency in carrying out practical or clinical skill or participation in projects and assignmentsn(even) during vacation. These be evaluated objectively and recorded. The weightage given to internal assessment is 10% out of total marks assigned for a subject separetely for theory and practical/clinical examinations.

A minimum of three internal assessments to be held in an academic year and the average of these tests shall be sent to the university.

5.University Examination:

There shall be two examinations annually conducted at an interval of not less than four to six months. The written examination in each subject shall consist of one paper of three hours duration and shall have maximum of 70 marks.

Orthodontics and dentofacial orthopaedics theory and practical exams will be held at the end of final year.

 6.Type of questions and distribution of marks:

Each question paper shall be of 3 hours duration, carrying maximum marks of 70. There shall be three types of questions with distribution of marks as shown 

Type of questions No.of questions Marks of questions Total
Long essay type 2 10 20
Short essay type 8 5 40
Short answer type 5 2 10
Grand total 70

7.Distribution of Marks in University Examination and Internal Assessment

Theory Practical Grand total
University paper Viva voice Internals total University paper







70 20 10 100 90 10 100


Sl No Subject Hours

Introduction, Definition, Historical Background, Aims and Objectives of Orthodontics and Need for Orthodontic care.

1 Hour

Growth and Development: In General

a. Definition

b. Growth spurts and Differential growth

c. Factors influencing growth and development

d. Methods of measuring growth

e. Growth theories (Genetic, Sicher’s, Scott’s, Moss’s, Petrovics, Multifactorial)

f. Genetic and epigenetic factors in growth

g. Cephalocaudal gradient in growth

Morphologic Development of Craniofacial Structures

a. Methods of Bone growth

b. Prenatal growth of craniofacial structures

c. Postnatal growth and development of: cranial base, maxilla, mandible, dental arches and occlusion








6 Hours


Functional Development of Dental Arches and Occlusion

a. Factors influencing functional development of dental arches and occlusion

b. Forces of occlusion

c. Wolfe’s law of transformation of bone

d. Trajectories of forces

Clinical Application of Growth and Development




2 Hours


Malocclusion – In General

a. Concept of normal occlusion

b. Definition of malocclusion

c. Description of different types of Dental, skeletal and functional malocclusion

Classification of Malocclusion

Principle, description, advantages and disadvantages of classification of malocclusion by Angle and modification, Simon, Lischer and Ackerman and Proffitt.





3 Hours


Normal and Abnormal Function of Stomatognathic System

1 Hour

Aetiology of Malocclusion

a. Definition, importance, classification, local and general aetiological factors

b. Etiology of following different types of malocclusion

i. Midline diastema

ii. Spacing

iii. Crowding

iv. Cross-Bite: Anterior / Posterior

v. Class III Malocclusion

vi. Class II Malocclusion

vii. Deep Bite

viii. Open Bite







3 Hours


Diagnosis and Diagnostic Aids

a. Definition, Importance and classification of diagnostic aids

b. Importance of case history and clinical examination in orthodontics

c. Study Models: – Importance and uses – Preparation and preservation of study models

d. Importance of intraoral X-rays in orthodontics

e. Panoramic radiographs – Principles, Advantages, Disadvantages and uses

f. Cephalometrics: Its advantages and disadvantages

i. Definition

ii. Description and use of cephalostat

iii. Description and uses of anatomical landmarks lines and angles used in cephalometric and analysis

iv. Analysis – Steiner’s, Down’s, Tweed’s. Ricket’s E-line

g. Electromyography and its use in orthodontics

h. Wrist X-rays and its importance in orthodontics








4 Hours



  1. Basic wire bending exercises Gauge 22 or 0.7mm
    1. Straightening of wires (4 Nos)
    2. Bending of equilateral triangle
    3. Bending of a rectangle
    4. Bending of a square
    5. Bending of a circle
    6. Bending of U.V.
  2. Construction of Clasps (upper / lower) Gauge 22 or 0.7mm
    1. ¾ clasp (C-Clasp)
    2. Full clasp (Jackson’s Crib)
    3. Adam’s Clasp
    4. Triangular Clasp
  3. Construction of Springs (On upper both sides) Gauge 24 or 0.5mm
    1. Finger Spring
    2. Single Cantilever Spring
    3. Double Cantilever Spring (Z-Spring)
    4. T-Springs on premolars
  4. Construction of Canine retractors Gauge 23 or 0.6mm
    1. U – loop canine retractor (Upper and lower)
    2. Helical canine retractor (Upper and lower)
    3. Buccal canine retractor: – Self supported Buccal canine retractor with
      1. Sleeve – 5mm wire of 24 Gauge
      2. Sleeve – 19 Gauge needle on any one side
    4. Palatal canine retractor on upper both sides – Gauge 23 or 0.6mm
  5. Labial Bow
    1. Gauge 22 or 0.7mm
    2. One on both upper and lower


  1. Making upper Alginate impression
  2. Making lower Alginate impression
  3. Study model preparation
  4. Model Analysis
    1. Pont’s Analysis
    2. Ashley Howe’s Analysis
    3. Carey’s Analysis
    4. Bolton’s Analysis
    5. Moyer’s Mixed Dentition analysis
    6. Huckaba’s Analysis



Mode of Teaching IV Year B.D.S
Theory 30 Hours
Clinical 130 Hours
Total 160 Hours


Sl No Subject Hours

General Principles in Orthodontic Treatment Planning of Dental and Skeletal Malocclusions

1 Hour

Anchorage in Orthodontics – Definition, Classification, Types and Stability of Anchorage

2 Hours

Biomechanical Principles in Orthodontic Tooth movement

a. Different types of tooth movements

b. Tissue response to orthodontic force application

c. Age factor in orthodontic tooth movement



2 Hours


Preventive Orthodontics

a. Definition

b. Different procedures undertaken in preventive orthodontics and their limitations

Interceptive Orthodontics

a. Definition

b. Different procedures undertaken in interceptive procedure

c. Serial Extraction: Definition, indications, contra-indication, technique, advantages and disadvantages

d. Role of muscle exercise as an interceptive orthodontics




Will Be Covered by Department of Pedodontia


Corrective orthodontics

a. Definition, factors to be considered during treatment planning

b. Model analysis: Pont’s, Ashley Howe’s, Bolton, Careys, Moyer’s Mixed Dentition Analysis

c. Methods of gaining space in the arch: – Indications, relative merits and demerits of proximal stripping, arch expansion and extractions

d. Extractions in Orthodontics – indications and selection of teeth for extraction





2 Hours


Orthodontic Appliances: General

a. Requisites for orthodontic appliances

b. Classification, indications of Removable and Functional Appliances

c. Methods of force application

d. Materials used in construction of various orthodontic appliances – use of stainless steel, technical considerations in curing of acrylic, Prinicples of welding and soldering, fluxes and antifluxes

e. Preliminary knowledge of acid etching and direct bonding





2 Hours



a. Components of removable appliances

b. Different type of clasps and their use

c. Different type of labial bows and their use

d. Different types of springs and their use

e. Expansion appliances in orthodontics

i. Principles

ii. Indication for arch expansion

iii. Description of expansion appliances and different types of expansion devices and their uses

iv. Rapid maxillary expansion







2 Hours



a. Definition, Indication and Contraindications

b. Component parts and their uses

c. Basic principles of different techniques: Edgewise, Begg straight wire



2 Hours



a. Headgears

b. Chincup

c. Reverse pull headgears



1 Hour



a. Definition and principles

b. Muscle exercises and their uses in orthodontics

c. Functional appliances:

i. Activator, Oral Screens, Frankels function regulator, bionator twin blocks, lip bumper

ii. Inclined planes – upper and lower




3 Hours


Orthodontic Management of Cleft Lip and Palate

2 Hours

Principles of Surgical Orthodontics

a. Maxillary Prognathism and Retrognathism

b. Mandibular Prognathism and Retrognathism

c. Anterior open bite and deep bite

d. Cross bite



2 Hours


Principle, Differential Diagnosis and Methods of Treatment of:

a. Midline diastema

b. Cross bite

c. Open bite

d. Deep bite

e. Spacing

f. Crowding

g. Class II – Division 1, Division 2

h. Class III – Malocclusion – True and Pseudo Class III





3 Hours


Retention and Relapse

Definition, Need for retention, Causes of relapse, Methods of retention, Different types of retention devices, Duration of retention, Theories of retention



2 Hours



1 Hour

Genetic in Orthodontics

1 Hour

Computers in Orthodontics

1 Hour

Adult Orthodontics in brief

1 Hour



  1. Case History Training
  2. Case Discussion
  3. Discussion on the given topic
  4. Cephalometric tracings
    1. Down’s Analysis
    2. Steiner’s Analysis
    3. Tweed’s Analysis


  1. Adam’s Clasp on Anterior teeth Gauge 0.7mm
  2. Modified Adam’s Clasp on upper arch Gauge 0.7mm
  3. High Labial bow with Apron spring on upper arch (Gauge of Labial bow – 0.9mm, Apron Spring – 0.3mm)
  4. Coffin spring on upper arch Gauge 1mm
  5. Appliance Construction in Acrylic
    1. Upper and lower Hawley’s Appliance
    2. Upper Hawley’s with Anterior bite plane
    3. Upper Habit breaking Appliance
    4. Upper Hawley’s with Posterior bite plane with ‘Z’ spring
    5. Lower inclined plane / Catalan’s Appliance
    6. Upper Expansion plate with Expansion Screw
    7. Construction of Activator


  1. Contemporary Orthodontics – William R Proffit
  2. Orthodontics for Dental Students – White and Gradiner
  3. Handbook for Dental Students – Movers
  4. Orthodontics – Principles and Practice – Graber
  5. Design, Construction and Use of Removable Orthodontic Appliances – C. Philip Adams
  6. Clinical Orthodontics: Vol 1 & 2 – Salzmann
  7. Orthodontics – Graber and Swine


Total Theory Marks – 100 Marks

Theory Written Examination – 70 Marks

Vivavoce – 20 Marks

Internal Assessment – 10 Marks

Total – 100 Marks

Theory Written Examination– 70 Marks

Type of Questions Marks Total
Long Essays – 2 2 x 10 20
Short Essays – 8 8 x 5 40
Short Answers – 5 5 x 2 10
Total   70

Clinical Examination – 100 Marks

University Clinical Examination – 90 Marks

Internal Assessment – 10 Marks

Total 100 Marks

University Clinical Examination – 90 Marks

Clinical Work Marks Total
Spotters – 10 Nos 10 x 3 30

Wire Bending – 3 Exercises

a. Labial Bow –

b. Adams Clasp

c. Fingers Spring / Z Spring


15 Marks

15 Marks

10 Marks




Clinical Case Discussion   20
Total   90



Paper-I: Applied Basic Sciences: Applied anatomy, Physiology, Dental Materials, Genetics,

Pathology, Physical Anthropology, Applied Research methodology, Bio-Statistics and

Applied Pharmacology.


Paper-II: Orthodontic history, Concepts of occlusion and esthetics, Child and Adult Psychology,  Etiology and classification of malocclusion, Dentofacial Anomalies, Diagnostic procedures and treatment planning in Orthodontics, Practice management in Orthodontic

Paper III: Clinical Orthodontics

Paper IV: Descriptive and analyzing type question

The training programme in Orthodontics is to structure and achieve the following four objectives Knowledge of

  1.  The dynamic interaction of biologic processes and mechanical forces acting on the stomatognathic system during orthodontic treatment
  2.  The etiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment planning of various common Orthodontic problems
  3.  Various treatment modalities in Orthodontics preventive interceptive and corrective.
  4.  Basic sciences relevant to the practice of Orthodontics
  5.  Interaction of social, cultural, economic, genetic and environmental factors and their relevance to management of oro – facial deformities
  1.  Factors affecting the long-range stability of orthodontic correction and their management
  2.  Personal hygiene and infection control, prevention of cross infection and safe disposal of hospital waste, keeping in view the high prevalence of Hepatitis and HIV and other highly contagious diseases.


  1.  To obtain proper clinical history, methodical examination of the patient, perform essential diagnostic procedures, and interpret them and arrive at a reasonable diagnosis about the Dentofacial deformities.
  1.  To be competent to fabricate and manage the most appropriate appliance – intra or extra oral, removable or fixed, mechanical or functional, and active or passive – for the treatment of any orthodontic problem to be treated singly or as a part of multidisciplinary treatment of orofacial deformities.


  1.  Develop an attitude to adopt ethical principles in all aspects of Orthodontic practice.
  2.  Professional honesty and integrity are to be fostered
  3.  Treatment care is to be delivered irrespective of the social Status, cast, creed or colleagues
  4. Willingness to share the knowledge and clinical experience with professional colleagues
  5. Willingness to adopt, after a critical assessment, new methods and techniques of orthodontic management developed from time to time based on scientific research, which are in the best interest of the patient
  6. Respect patients rights and privileges, including patients right to information and right to seek  a second opinion
  7. Develop attitude to seek opinion from allied medical and dental specialists as and when required

Communication skills

  1.  Develop adequate communication skills particularly with the patients giving them various options available to manage a particular Dentofacial problem and to obtain a true informed consent from them for the most appropriate treatment available at that point of time.
  1.  Develop the ability to communicate with professional colleagues, in Orthodontics or other specialities through various media like correspondence, Internet, e-video, conference, etc. To render the best possible treatment.

Course Content

The program outlined, addresses both the knowledge needed in Orthodontics and allied Medical specialities in its

scope. A minimum of three years of formal training through a graded system of education as specifies, will equip the trainee with skill and knowledge at its completion to be able to practice basic Orthodontics and have the ability to intelligently pursue further apprenticeship towards advanced Orthodontics.

Spread of the Curriculum

Six months teaching o basic subjects including completion of pre – clinical exercises 2 ft years of coverage of all the relevant topics in Orthodontics, clinical training invoMng treatment of patients and submission of dissertation. These may be divided into blocks of 6 to 8 months duration each, depending on the training policies of each institution.

  1. Applied Anatomy:
  2. Physiology

III Dental materials

  1. Genetics

V  Physical Anthropology

VI Pathology

VII Biostatistics

VIII. Applied research methodology in Orthodontics

  1. Applied Pharmacology
  2. Orthodontic history

XII Etiology and Classification of malocclusion:

XIII Dentofacial Anomalies:

XIV Child and Adult Psychology: 99

  1. Diagnostic procedures and treatment planning in orthodontics

XVII. Practice management in Orthodontics

XVIII. Clinical Orthodontics Myofunctional Orthodontics

XIX Recent advances like:

©Use of implants

© Lasers

© Application of FE.M.

© Distraction Osteogenesis


  1. Pre – Clinical Exercises

A general outline of the type of exercises is given here. Every institution can decide the details of exercises under each category.

  1.  General Wire bending exercises to develop the manual dexterity.
  2.  Clasps, Bows and springs used in the removable appliances.
  3.  Soldering and welding exercises.
  4.  Fabrication of removable habit breaking, mechanical and functional appliances, also all types of space maintainors and space regainers.
  5. Bonwill Hawley Ideal arch preparation.
  6. Construction of orthodontic models trimmed and polished preferably as per specifications of Twe or A.B.O.
  7.  Cephalometric tracing and various Analyses, also superimposrtion methods
  8. Fixed appliance typhodont exercises
  9. a)  Training shall be imparted in one basic technique i.e. Standard Edgewise / Begg technique or its derivative / Straight wire etc., with adequate exposure to other techniques.
  1. b)  Typhodont exercise
  2.  Band making
  3.  Bracket positioning and placement

iii.  Different stages in treatment appropriate to technique taught

  1.  Clinical photography
  2.  Computerized imaging
  3.  Preparation of surgical splints, and splints for TMJ problems.
  4.  Handling of equipments like vacuum forming appliances and hydro solder etc

First Year

Basic Pre-Clinical Exercise Work for the MDS Students: First 6 Months


Once the basic pre-clinical work is completed the students can take up clinical cases and clinical training is for the two and half years.

Each postgraduate student should start with a minimum of 50 cases of his/her own. Additionally he / she should handle a minimum of 20 transferred cases.

The type of cases can be as follows:

  1.  Removable active appliances-5cases
  2.  Class-I malocclusion with Crowding

iii.  Class-I malocclusion with bi-maxillary protrusion

  1.  Class-ll division-1
  2.  Class-ll division-2
  3.  Class-Ill (Orthopedic, Surgical, Orthodontic cases)

vii.  Inter disciplinary cases

viii.  Removable functional appliance cases like activator, Bionator, functional regulator, twin block and new developments

  1.  Fixed functional appliances – Herbst appliance, jasper jumper etc – 5 cases
  2.  Dento-facial orthopedic appliances like head gears, rapid maxillary expansion niti expander etc., – 5 cases
  1.  Appliance for arch development such as molar distalization -m 5 cases

xii.  Fixed mechano therapy cases (Begg, PEA, Tip edge, Edgewise) Retention procedures of above treated cases.

Other work to be done during FIRST YEAR

  1.  Seminars: One Seminar per week to be conducted in the department. A minimum of five seminars should be presented by each student each year
  2.  Journal club: One Journal club per week to re conducted in the department. A minimum of five seminars should be presented by each student each year
  3.  Protocol for dissertation to be submitted on or before the end of six months from the date of admission.
  4.  Under graduate classes: Around 4 – 5 classes should be handled by each post- graduate student
  5.  Field survey: To be conducted and submit the report
  6.  Inter-departmental meetings: should be held once in a month.
  7.  Case discussions
  8.  Field visits: To attend dental camps and to educate the masses
  9.  Basic subjects classes
  10.  Internal assessment or Term paper Second Year:

The clinical cases taken up should be followed under the guidance. More case discussions and cases to be taken up. Other routine work as follows.

  1.  Seminars: One Seminar per week to be conducted in the department. Each student should present a minimum of five seminars each year.
  2.  Journal club: One Journal club per week to be conducted in the department. Each student should present a minimum of five seminars each year.
  3.  Library assignment to be submitted on or before the end of six months.
  4. Undergraduate classes: each post-graduate student should handle Around 4-5 classes.
  5. Inter-departmental meetings: Should be held once in a month
  6. Case discussions
  7. Field visits: To attend dental camps and to educate the masses.
  8.  Internal assessment or term paper.
  9. Dissertation work: On getting the approval from the university work for the dissertation to be started.

Third Year:

The clinical cases taken up should be followed under the guidance. More cases discussions and cases to be taken up. Other routine work as follows:

  1.  Seminars: One Seminar per week to be conducted in the department. Each student should present aminimum of five seminars each year.
  2.  Journal Club: One Journal club per week to be conducted in the departments minimum of five seminars should be presented by each student each year
  3.  Under graduate classes: each post – graduate student, should handle Around 4-5 classes.
  4.  Inter-departmental meetings: Should be held once in a month.
  5.  The completed dissertation should be submitted six months before the final examination
  6.  Case discussions
  7.  Field visits: To attend dental camps and to educate the masses.
  8.  Finishing and presenting the cases taken up.
  9.  Preparation of finished cases and presenting the cases (to be presented for the examination)
  10.  Mock examination Dissertation:
  11.  The protocol for dissertation should be submitted on or before the end of six months from the date of admission as per calendar of events to the Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, through proper channel.
  12.  The completed dissertation should be submitted 6 months before the final examination as per calendar of events to the Registrar (Evaluation), Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, through proper channel.
  13.  The dissertation should not be just a repetition of a previously undertaken study but should try to explore some new aspects.
  14. Approval of dissertation is essential before a candidate appears for the University examination.

Monitoring Learning Progress

It is essential to monitor the learning progress  of  each  candidate  through  continuous app and regular assessment. It not only helps teachers to evaluate students, but also students to evaluate themselves.

The monitoring be done by the staff of  the department participation of students in various teaching learning activities. It may be structured assessment be done using checklists that assess various aspects.  Checklists are given in Section IV.


M.D.S. Degree examinations in any branch of study shall consist of dissertation, written paper (Theory)

Part I at the end of Ist year and Part II at the end of 3 years Practical/Clinical and Viva voce.

Theory: Part-I: Basic Sciences Paper – 100 Marks

part-II: Paper-I, Paper-II & Paper-III – 300 Marks (100 Marks for each Paper)

Written examination shall consist of Basic Sciences (Part-I) of three hours duration shall be conducted at the end of First year of MDS course. Part-II Examination shall be conducted at the end of Third year of MDS course.

Part-I : Applied Basic Sciences: Applied Anatomy, embryology, growth and development Genetics, Immunology, anthropology, Physiology, nutrition & Biochemistry, Pathology & Microbiology, virology, Applied pharmacology, Research Methodology and bio statistics, Applied Dental anatomy & histology, Oral pathology & oral Microbiology, Adult and geriatric psychology. Applied dental materials.

Part-II Examinations hall consist of Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III, each of three hours duration.

Paper-I & Paper-II shall consist of two long answer questions carrying 25 marks each and five questionscarrying10markseach.

Paper-IIIwillbeonEssays.InPaper-IIIthreeQuestionswillbegivenandstudenthastoansweranytwoquestions. Each question carries 50 marks. Questions on recent advances may be asked in any or all the papers. Distribution of topics for each paper will be as follows:



  • Part I University Examination(100Marks):-


  • Part II(3papersof100Marks):-
  • Paper-I: 2 long essay questions of 25 marks each and 5 short essays of 10 marks each. (Total of100Marks)
  • Paper-II: 2 long essay questions of 25 marks each and 5 short essays of 10 marks each. (Total of100Marks)
  • PaperIII:2outof3essay questions(50×2=100Marks)



  1. Practical/Clinical Examination : 200Marks
No Exercise Marks allotted Approximate Time

Functional appliance,

case discussion, bite registration, fabrication and deliveringof the appliance




2 IIIstagemechanics/Bonding/archwirefabrication 50 1hour30min

Display of case records(aminimumof5patientsto

be presented with all the records)

75 1hour
4 Longcases 25 2hours

C VivaVoce: 100Marks

  1. Viva-Voceexamination:80marks

All examiners will conduct viva-voce conjointly on candidate’s comprehension, analytical approach expression, interpretation of data and communication skills. It includes all components of course contents. It includes presentation and discussion on dissertation also.

  1. PedagogyExercise:20marks

A topic is given to each candidate in the beginning of clinical examination. He/she is asked to make a presentation on the topic for 8-10minute