Hall Tickets for 4th Year BDS Theory Examination              RGUHS Notification No. Reg.(E)/UG-Theory /BDS-2/Aug- 24/2024-25              Hall Tickets for MDS (1st year) & BDS (2nd year) theory examination              3rd Internal Assessment Dates (Regular Batch)-2023-24              Postgraduate Degree students (BDS Part I & Part II Repeater) appearing for supplementary Theory exam during June 2024              Undergraduate Degree (BDS) 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22. Batch as only 2nd BDS students (Odd and Repeaters) Appearing for exam during June 2024              Committed to delivering exceptional education from our comprehensive campus              World oral health day March 20th 2024              NATIONAL DENTIST’S DAY              BDS students’ academic curriculum a field activity        CDE-Program Brochure        Circular - Parent teachers Meeting for underperformed students in RGUHS September 2023 examinations        Circular - Orientation Day Program and Parent Teachers Meeting       Circular - Microscope CDE Program Brochure       Circular - BDS Freshers day circular and invitation - 2023       Circular - Graduation Day 2023 Schedule       Circular - List of internship student for graudation day 2023       Circular - List of PG Students of MD-MS Degree, SSP & Fellowship Students       Circular - Graduation Day 2023       Circular - Graduation Day 2023 Students list       Circular - Wearing APRONS outside the College and Hospital Premises       VIDS PTV NAAC on Feb 2nd and 3rd 2023        Invitation Letter for NAAC Peer team interaction with parents -03-FEB-2023       Bus Routes for Medical & Dental Students of 2022-23 batch       Remedial coaching committee Meeting.       Odd Batch Students Meeting.       Circular for regular batch 2021-2022 BDS Interns - Compulsory Rotatory Internship from 06/12/2021.       Congratulation to Dr.Helen Thomas, 2019-20 PG-MDS For Best Scientific Presentation at 12th IFEA World Endodontic Online Congress Held During 31st July to 1st Aug 2021.       Graduation Day 27th Feb 2021 Invitation        MANAGEMENT, STAFF & STUDENTS OF VYDEHI INSTITUTE OF DENTAL SCIENCES & RESEARCH CENTRE LIKE TO CONGRATULATE THE FOLLOWING DOCTORS OF 2017-20 PG-MDS BATCH RANKS IN RGUHS MDS EXAMINATION FOR JUNE/JULY-2020       

 List of Value Added Courses

List of Value Added Courses for the year 2020-21

VAC 1: Digital Marketing

VAC 2: Breath in and Breath out – COVID 19 Pandemic

VAC 3: Click it Right-Clinical Photography

VAC 4: Dental Laboratory Establishment

VAC 5: Avenues for an Oral Surgeon

VAC 6: Osteotomy procedure and Fracture Management

VAC 7: Basic Care and Life Support

VAC 8: Career Options for Dentist


Academic Year 2020-21
Number of students enrolled in value-added courses year-wise 377
Total number of Students 378


Digital Marketing

Venue: Zoom platform

Duration: June 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th and July 7th 2020

Days and Timings: Saturday 2:00 pm-5:00pm

Target audience: Undergraduates, Interns and Post graduates

Programme type: Value added course

Speaker: Dr Sujatha BK

Programme Report

A course on “Professional Ethics” by was held from 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th and July 7th by the Department of Public Health Dentistry, Vydehi Institute of Dental Sciences & Research Centre. A Total of 47 students enrolled and took part in the programme.

Dr Sujatha BK: Started the course with introduction to digital marketing on first day followed by Search Engine Optimization, Content Writing and Web Designing on the consecutive days. Last day there was brainstorming session followed by clarifying participants query by the speaker.

Feedback bout the program was collected from the participants on all the days. Course ended with valedictory function where certificates were distributed to participants through online only.

Breathe in and Breathe out in Covid Pandemic

Venue: online platform (zoom)

Dates: 01.08.2020, 08.08.2020, 29.08.2020, 12.09.2020 and 19.09.2020

Time: 2pm-5pm

Duration: 15 hours

Target audience: undergraduates, postgraduates & faculty of dental college.

Program type: Value added course.

Instructor: Dr. Suneetha Rao

Programme Report

The online workshop for boosting immunity and improving respiratory health was well attended by all the undergraduate students, interns, postgraduate students and the faculty members. The programme was inaugurated by the principal Dr.Mohan Thomas Nainan followed by a welcome speech where the importance of natural immunity, benefits of yoga during the Covid pandemic was emphasized. The program schedule of 5 days was elaborated.

The first day session started with “OM chanting” followed by warming up Pranayamas like Kapalbhati, Bhastrika. Steps in Suryanamaskara was taught in detail and practiced. The first day session ended with the relaxing Shavasana and Meditation.

The second day session started with “OM chanting” and prayer. New warm up Pranayamas like breath of joy and full yogic breath were explained and practiced. A series of chest expanding Asanas like hastauttana, ardhachandrasana, bhujangasana and others were demonstrated and practiced. The second session ended with nadishodan pranayama and meditation.

The third day session started with “OM chanting” and prayer. New warm up Pranayamas were explained and practiced followed by suryanamaskara. A series of Asanas like Tadasana, Trikonasana, Vrksasana and others were demonstrated and practiced. The second session ended with meditation.

The fourth day session started with “OM chanting” and prayer. New warm up pranayamas were explained and practiced. A series of Asanas like virabhadrasana, adho mukha svanasana, urdhva mukha svanasana and others were demonstrated and practiced. The second session ended with nadishodan pranayama and meditation.

The fifth day session started with “OM chanting” and prayer. New warm up Pranayamas were explained and practiced followed by Suryanamaskara . A series of  Asanas like Paschimottanasana, Setubandhasana, balasana and others were demonstrated and practiced. The second session ended with meditation. The workshop was well received and appreciated by all the participants.




Click It Right

Programme Report

A program on  ’”Click It Right” was conducted by Department of  Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics  on 3rd,10th,17th,24th,30th October 2020.The inauguration ceremony was conducted in the lecture hall 2, 2nd floor, Dental College. The programme started at 2pm and the session began by prayers, followed by welcoming the gathering and the programme was inaugurated by Principal Dr. Mohan Thomas Nainan.

Dr.Chetan began the session with the talk on basic techniques of photography, followed by Dr.Manju Prasad speech on various equipments which can enhance photography. The session was ended by Dr Anandu speech on how Digital images can be managed and edited. A hands on course was conducted on how to click clinical photographs was done in Department of Orthodontics under the guidance of Dr Chetan, Dr Manju Prasad, Dr Anandu and Dr Vidya Dhari. On 24th October 2020,demonstration  about techniques  was given to students followed by hands on for students  by staff on 30th October 2020. Programme was concluded by vote of thanks by Dr Vidyadhari. We received positive feedback from students who attended the programme.

Dental Lab Establishment

Programme Report

Venue: Seminar Hall (Lecture Hall I), Ground Floor, Medical College Block, Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences & Research

Dates: 21st, 28th Nov & 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th Dec 2020

Time: 12pm-5pm
Duration: 15 hours
Target Audience: undergraduates, postgraduates & faculty of dental college.
Program type: Value added course.
Speakers: Dr. Suneetha Rao, Dr. Ashok K, Dr. Shruti Mishra Sarkar 


The boom in dental implant and aesthetic dentistry popularity has helped to propel the dental lab industry, creating more opportunities and jobs for people interested in working behind the scenes in dentistry. If your dental lab can provide high-quality work, this field can be an incredibly lucrative business. In this guide, we will cover some of the necessary steps and considerations to craft a dental lab business plan, start a dental laboratory.

The inauguration ceremony was conducted in the Seminar Hall (Lecture Hall I), Ground Floor, Medical College  Block . The programme started at 2pm and the session began by prayers, followed by welcoming the gathering and the programme was inaugurated by Principal Dr. Mohan Thomas.

Dr.Suneetha Rao began the session with the talk on dental lab establishment with introduction to finding dental niche, building a team of dental lab experts. It was followed by Dr. Ashok on the session of creating a budget for your dental lab & designing your dental lab layout and floor plan.

Day 2 began with Dr.Ashok defining dental laboratories. He spoke about the scope and services provided. It was followed by Dr. Shruti’s lecture on Physical Infrastructure.

Day 3’s lectures were delivered by Dr. Suneetha Rao. She spoke about infrastructure, equipment (functional) , water drainage , ventilation & safety conditions.

Day 4 started with a lecture by Dr.Shruti where he discussed about human resources and its management. It covered on how to hire technical staff; laboratory technician and non-technical staff .Guidelines regarding periodic health checkup, vaccination of staff etc. were also talked about.

Day 5 support services like bio-medical waste management, policy on outsourced services and record maintenance were moderated by Dr.Ashok.

Day 6 being the concluding session was conducted by Dr. Shruti and had a wide range of discussions on reporting standards, basic processes of infection control, facilities for hand washing, facilities for sterilization etc.

Vote of Thanks was delivered by Dr.Shruti Mishra which was followed by certificated distribution. The Program was well received and appreciated by all the attendees.


Dr.Suneetha Rao Head of Department Department of Prosthodontics VIDS & RC









Dr.Ashok K Reader Department of Prosthodontics VIDS & RC











Dr.Suneetha Rao Head of Department Department of Prosthodontics VIDS & RC









Dr.Shruti Mishra Sarkar Senior Lecturer Department of Prosthodontics VIDS & RC












Dr.Ashok K Reader Department of Prosthodontics VIDS & RC












Dr.Shruti Mishra Sarkar Senior Lecturer Department of Prosthodontics VIDS & RC












Avenue for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Programme Report

A value added course on the topic AVENUE FOR ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGEONSwas conducted by Dr. Col. Suresh Menon, Prof and HOD, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery for the undergraduate and postgraduate students of Vydehi Institute of Dental Science and Research Centre on 07-01-2021,9-01-2021, 16-01-2021, 23-01-2021, 30-01-2021 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The programme was attended by undergraduate and postgraduate students with a total of 91 participants. The program generated very positive feedback

Avenue for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

SPEAKER: Dr. Archana. S


Programme Report

A course on the topic “osteotomy procedure and fracture management” was conducted on account of oral maxillofacial surgery day conducted by the department of oral maxillofacial surgery for the undergraduates students of Vydehi institute of Dental Sciences and Research Centre on 13/2/2021 from 9:30 am to 12:30pm. The programme was attended by undergraduate students with a total of 30 participants. The program generated a very positive feedback.

Dr. Suresh Menon Discussing With The Students
Dr. Archana.S Interacting With The Students
Students Performing The Procudeure On The Dry Skull
Dr.Ritvik Demonstrationg The Procedure To The Students
Students Performing The Procedure On Dry Skull

Basic Care & Life Support Course

Venue: 2nd Floor, Medical College Building,
Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre,
#82, EPIP Area, Whitefield, Near Sathya Sai Hospital, Bangalore – 560 066.
Dates: 2nd, 3rd & 4th March 2021                                              
Time: 8:30am-5pm                                                                                               
Duration: 25 hours                                                                                            
Target audience: Interns, Postgraduates & Faculty of Dental College                  
Program type: Value added course.                                                             
Course Coordinator: Dr. Suneetha Rao

Programme Report

Basic Care & Life Support (BCLS) course was conducted from 2nd to 4th of March 2021 in Vydehi Institute of Dental Science & Research Center in association with Jeevaraksha Trust which was initiated by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) in collaboration with Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement, Mysuru, India with University of Utah, USA as technical partner. Jeeva Raksha trust is a special purpose vehicle to roll out certified skill courses in Emergency care and Life Support with a vision to save lives by providing the highest quality of emergency care in the “Golden Hour” of emergency. The interns, post graduates and faculty participated in this program. The course included management of common emergencies including COVID-19 in the community as well as managing Cardiac Arrest with the safe use of an Automated External Defibrillator and controlling Major Hemorrhage using a tourniquet. Course consisted of lectures, live demos, and hands-on demo and practice of the emergency procedures. The course also covered soft skills in an emergency like Communication, Team Leadership, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. The participants were assessed before the course by a written test and reassessed after the course. The assessment methodology was a practical hands-on and viva voice. Participants who did not secure 50% were given a second exam. A total of 92 participants were benefited and certified as BCLS provider.





Career Options for Dentists

Programme Report

We, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics conducted a Webinar (CDE programme) on ‘Career Options for Dentists’ on 28/07/2021 and 29/07/2021. This webinar was conducted on a ZOOM platform which included a total of 16 speakers who joined us from different parts of world to deliver lectures on various career options for dentists. We received approval from Karnataka State Dental Council with 8 credit points for conducting this programme. Around 680 participants had registered for the programme and more than 250 participants attended the webinar.

The webinar was started with an in vocational song on Lord Ganesha and was inaugurated by Dr Chetan S, Prof  & HOD, Dept of Orthodontics, Dr Mohan Thomas Nainan, Principal, VIDS&RC and Dr Nirupama D N, AO, VIDS&RC. Dr Rajivi K and Dr Vidya Dhari K, faculty, Dept of orthodontics served as moderators for the programme.

Live telecast of the webinar for interns and postgraduates of VIDS&RC was arranged in lecture hall-2. As per the planned programme schedule, around 8 guest lecturers were delivered on different topics by different speakers on each day. The programme was concluded with vote of thanks by Dr Manju Prasad M and Dr Anandu M, Readers, Dept of orthodontics.

We received positive feedback from the participants who joined the webinar from different parts of India regarding the programme organization and also about the inclusion of good number of career options for dentists which they were not aware all these days.

Dr. Vidya Dhari & Dr. Rajivi K








Dr Suresh Menon, Speaker
Dr Nisha, Speaker


List of Value Added Courses for the year 2021-2022

VAC 1: Career Options for Dentist

VAC 2: Hands-On on Parental Drug Administration and Management of Routine Dental Emergencies

VAC 3: Data Analytics

VAC 4: Workshop on Presentation Skills

VAC 5.Establishing and Managing a Dental Laboratory

VAC 6.Demonstration and Hands on Workshop on Pressure Moulding Machine

VAC 7.Communication Skills


Academic Year 2021-22
Number of students enrolled in value-added courses year-wise 335
Total number of Students 346

List of Value Added Courses for the year 2022-23

VAC 1: Green dentistry

VAC 2: Academic Stress and Mental Wellbeing. A Student’s guide to Stress management

VAC 3: Scientific Writing

VAC 4:Magnification in Operative Dentistry

VAC 5.Fire safety

VAC 6.Comprehensive Prosthodontics Rehabilitation

VAC 7.Diet and Body Mass Index


Academic Year 2022-23
Number of students enrolled in value-added courses year-wise 348
Total number of Students 361



Venue: Lecture hall, Second Floor, VIDS &RC

Duration: 15 HOURS FROM: June 25th, July 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd of 2022

Day and Timings: Saturday 2: 00PM- 5:00PM

Target audience: Undergraduates

Programme type: Short course, Value added course

Speakers Dr Sujatha BK, Dr Venkata Lakshmi S

Report: Green Dentistry–value added course

A value-added course on “Green Dentistry” was held from June 25th, July 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd of 2022 by the Department of Public Health Dentistry, Vydehi Institute of Dental Sciences & Research Centre. A Total of 68 students enrolled and took part in the programme.

Learning Outcomes:

Intellectual: students should be able to understand the concept of Green Dentistry.

Cognitive: students should think and organise the concepts learned.

Motor skills: students should utilize the concepts in problem solving (practical knowledge)







A program on “Academic Stress & Mental Well-being – A student’s Guide to Stress Management” was conducted by the Department of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry on 6/8/22, 13/8/22, 20/8/22, 27/8/22 and 3/9/22 between 12 to 5pm, for BDS Students.

The programme was conducted by Department of Paediatric and Preventive Dentistry, Vydehi Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Centre. The programme was attended by faculty, BDS students with a total of 55 participants.

Program Outcome: Identification of source of stress to know the appropriate method to manage it.

Life skills: Effective and efficient ways to manage stress.

The program generated very positive feedback.


Changes in communication technology, scientific methodology, and the broader societal context have all had an impact on scientific writing. As a result, the Department of Periodontics held a value-added course on the topic Scientific Writing at the Vydehi Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Centre in Bangalore. This course consisted of five sessions that ran from September 24th to October 29th, 2022 from 2pm to 5pm on Saturdays.

Participants included interns from Bangalore’s Vydehi Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Centre. Dr. Nisha K.J Department of Periodontics, Dr. Sanjeela Department of Periodontics, Dr. Karpagaselvi Department of Oral Pathology, Dr. Shilpa Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Dr. Shruthi S Department of Periodontics, Vydehi Institute of Dental Sciences and Research Centre, Bangalore were the speakers in the programme.

The speakers were able to address the significance of Scientific Writing in their respective fields and inspired the students to improve their critical thinking, problem solving, innovation, and career advancement. Making the programme interactive, the participants were able to clear their doubts. A participation certificate was given to each participant.

The session concluded with the speaker’s receiving certificates of appreciation.

Outcome of the course: Proposal writing, Article writing, conducting research, Peer Assessment and Project based learning

Life Skills: Critical thinking, Innovative, logical approach, problem solving



This program was conducted to improve skills of students of VIDS & RC..Dr.Mohan Thomas Nainan, Professor and Head of Conservative  and Endodontics welcomed the gathering. Dr.Nirupama started the presentation by explaining how to improve presentation skills. The course was continued on     by Dr.Mohan Thomas Nainan,   by Vijay R    ,Dr.Helen Thomas and by Dr.Nirupama D.N .


   A program on “Fire Safety” was conducted by the Department of Oral Pathology on 24/12/22, 14/01/23, 21/01/23, 28/01/23 and 31/01/23 between 2.00PM to 5.00 PM for BDS students.

 The programme was conducted by the Department of Oral Pathology vydehi institute of dental sciences and research Centre. The programme was attended by faculty, BDS students with a total of 73 participants.

Program Outcome: Identification of different types and usage of fire extinguisher.

Life skills: Effective and efficient management of fire hazards.


Name of the event: Comprehensive Prosthodontic Rehabilitation

Venue: Seminar Hall (Lecture Hall I), Ground Floor, Medical College Block, Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences & Research                                         

Dates: 03/04/23 and 04/04/23

Time: 9-5pm                                                                                                 

Duration: 15hours                                                                                            

Target audience: postgraduates                                                                       

Program type: Value added course.                                                           

Speakers: Dr. Pavithra K.R, Dr. Ashok K, Dr. Swetha M.U

Objective – To enhance technical and foundation skills


Day 1

The inauguration ceremony was conducted in the Seminar Hall (Lecture Hall I), Ground Floor, Medical College. The programme started at 12pm and the session began by prayers, followed by welcoming the gathering and the programme was inaugurated by Principal Dr. Mohan Thomas.

Lecture session 1

Dr. Pavithra R began the session with the talk on Comprehensive Prosthodontic Rehabilitation, she gave a brief introduction to the topic and explained about charting medical and dental history. Dr Pavithra explained in detail about the prosthetic and aesthetic anomalies and how to treat them, she also explained the importance of impressions and its role in prosthodontics, finally the session ended with a discussion on selection of different materials required to make impressions.

Lecture session 2

Dr Ashok began the session with brief history of materials used in dentistry used to make fixed restorations. The availability of each material, its advantages and disadvantages along with recent advances was explained in detail. The session continued with discussion of various impression techniques utilized and different methods of provisionalization

Day 2

Lecture session 1

The lectures were delivered by Dr Swetha M.U on colorimetry. The lectures covered topics on color, its measurement and how to select shades of tooth followed by all the recent advances regarding the same.

Lecture session 2

Dr Ashok delivered the lecture on cementation procedures for fixed restorations. The main highlights of the lecture were bonding and luting procedures. The lecture ended with discussion on occlusal adjustments

Lecture session 3

The final session was headed by Dr Swetha with lectures on post operative follow up. The importance and treatment protocols were discussed in detail. Vote of Thanks was delivered by Dr. Swetha which was followed by certificate distribution by Dr Pavithra and the Principal.

The Program was well received and appreciated by all the attendees.

The outcome of the course was to develop interdisciplinary skills which included the following










A program on “ Diet and BMI” was conducted by the Department of Oral Pathology on  13/05/23, 19/05/23, 20/05/23, 26/05/23, & 27/05/23 between 2.00PM to 5.00 PM for 1st BDS students .

The programme was conducted by the Department of Oral Pathology,V ydehi institute of dental sciences and research Centre. The programme was attended by faculty, BDS students with a total of 63 participants.

Program Outcome: awareness about different sources of nutrition and their optimal usage.

Life skills: Effective and efficient use of diet and meal planning  to maintain health .