RGUHS Notification No. Reg.(E)/UG-Theory /BDS-2/Aug- 24/2024-25              Hall Tickets for MDS (1st year) & BDS (2nd year) theory examination              3rd Internal Assessment Dates (Regular Batch)-2023-24              Postgraduate Degree students (BDS Part I & Part II Repeater) appearing for supplementary Theory exam during June 2024              Undergraduate Degree (BDS) 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22. Batch as only 2nd BDS students (Odd and Repeaters) Appearing for exam during June 2024              Committed to delivering exceptional education from our comprehensive campus              World oral health day March 20th 2024              NATIONAL DENTIST’S DAY              BDS students’ academic curriculum a field activity        CDE-Program Brochure        Circular - Parent teachers Meeting for underperformed students in RGUHS September 2023 examinations        Circular - Orientation Day Program and Parent Teachers Meeting       Circular - Microscope CDE Program Brochure       Circular - BDS Freshers day circular and invitation - 2023       Circular - Graduation Day 2023 Schedule       Circular - List of internship student for graudation day 2023       Circular - List of PG Students of MD-MS Degree, SSP & Fellowship Students       Circular - Graduation Day 2023       Circular - Graduation Day 2023 Students list       Circular - Wearing APRONS outside the College and Hospital Premises       VIDS PTV NAAC on Feb 2nd and 3rd 2023        Invitation Letter for NAAC Peer team interaction with parents -03-FEB-2023       Bus Routes for Medical & Dental Students of 2022-23 batch       Remedial coaching committee Meeting.       Odd Batch Students Meeting.       Circular for regular batch 2021-2022 BDS Interns - Compulsory Rotatory Internship from 06/12/2021.       Congratulation to Dr.Helen Thomas, 2019-20 PG-MDS For Best Scientific Presentation at 12th IFEA World Endodontic Online Congress Held During 31st July to 1st Aug 2021.       Graduation Day 27th Feb 2021 Invitation        MANAGEMENT, STAFF & STUDENTS OF VYDEHI INSTITUTE OF DENTAL SCIENCES & RESEARCH CENTRE LIKE TO CONGRATULATE THE FOLLOWING DOCTORS OF 2017-20 PG-MDS BATCH RANKS IN RGUHS MDS EXAMINATION FOR JUNE/JULY-2020       


UG Curriculum

Oral Medicine and Radiology
Teaching Hours: Theory: 65 Hours, Practicals: 110 Hours
Oral Medicine
III Year : 21 Hours


Introduction to oral medicine – definition scope and clinical applications

1 hour

Principles of oral diagnosis
Swelling, ulcer, sinus, fistula, mucosal lesions, pain and TMJ problems.
Case history and components
Physical examination methodologies
Extra Oral and Neck
Intra oral
Concepts of provisional diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis
Clinical chair side Investigations and Radiological Investigations
Hematological, Microbiological, Histopathological
Special investigations – biochemical, Sialochemical studies, serology, Immunological
Final / confirmed diagnosis
Formulation of Treatment plan
Referral for opinions

1 hour

Dental disorders – destructions
Developmental malformations, discoloration of teeth

1 hour

Principles, Procedures, and Protocol for Asepsis, Sterilisation, Intection control

1 hour

Acute infections of Oral and Para oral structures – Baterial, viral, Fungal, Parasitic

1 hour

Oral sepsis and its effect on general system

1 hour


Differential diagnosis of cervicofacial Lymphadenopathy

1 hour

Periapical diseases and diseases of dental pulp, Diagnosis of dental caries, and Periodontal disease

1 hour

Differential diagnosis of Orofacial pain

1 hour

White and Red lesions of oral mucosa

2 hour

Ulcerative and Vesiculobullous lesions of oral mucosa

2 hour


Diagnostic protocol of formulation of differential diagnosis of cysts tumors, Odontomes, Fibro osseous lesions of oral paraoral structures.

1 hour

Orofacial pigmentation

1 hour

Metabolic, endrocrinal, nutritional diseases affecting oral cavity

1 hour

Dermatological diseases importance to dentistry

1 hour


Status asthamaticus, epilepticus, basic CPR

1 hour

Occupational diseases affecting Oral and Orofacial region

1 hour


Pharmacotherapeutics in oral medicine- Drugs used [analgesics, antibiotics, steroids, etc.] Drug allergies

1 hour


Occupational diseases affecting Oral and Orofacial region

1 hour


Diseases of the tongue, and tongue in systemic disease.


Concept of pre- malignancy -Premalignant lesions and Conditions.

IV Year: 15 Hours

Oral Cancer- Etiology and Classification.

Clinical Features and Clinical Staging
Laboratory Investigations and Diagnosis
Immune concepts in Oral Malignancies
Management Chemotherapy/ Radiotherapy

1 hour


Diseases of Salivary glands.

1 hour

Auto immune diseases affecting oral cavity.

1 hour


Allergic and immunological lesions of oral cavity.

1 hour

AIDS -Oral cavity in HIV / AIDS.

1 hour

Diseases of the TMJ, bone Osteodystrophies.

1 hour


Diseases of the Maxillary sinus.

1 hour

Blood Dyscrasias – oral manifestations, diagnosis and management of dental problems

1 hour

Oral manifestations of systemic diseases and medical emergency management – Cardiac Patient, Cardiac arrest, Specific infections, Syncope, Anaphvlaxis.

1 hour


Maxillofacial trauma -clinical diagnostic protocal.

2 hour


Psychosomatic oral medicine – Burning mouth syndrome, Glossopyrosis, Glossodynia, Orofacial dysaesthesia, Cancerophobia., MPDS, taste abnormalities.

1 hour

Psychosomatic oral medicine – Burning mouth syndrome, Glossopyrosis, Glossodynia, Orofacial dysaesthesia, Cancerophobia., MPDS, taste abnormalities.

1 hour


IV Year : 17 Hours

1 Introduction to Oral Radiology – Definitions, Scope & limitations. 1 hour

Basic physics in radiology

Radiographic equipment
Radiographic accessories (film holders, beam directional devices, intensifying screens, extra oral cassettes, grids etc.)
Radiographic image receptors
Production of X rays (dark room procedures, composition of developer & fixer, safe lighting, processing technique-manual/ automatic, storage of films)
Properties of X rays
Electromagnetic spectrum & types of radiation
Electromagnetic factors
Collimation, Filtration
Principals of Shadow Casting
Projection Geometry

1 hour
3 Principals of Intra Oral Radiograpghy, techniques, indications of IOPA, Bitewing, occulusal radiography – lecture & clinical demo
Object localization techniques
1 hour
4 Object localization techniques 1 hour

Radiographic interpretation-I

Principles, procedures
Normal radiographic landmarks of jaws & adjacent structures.
Radiographic interpretation & differential diagnosis in dental caries, periodontal diseases, periapical diseases

1 hour
6 Radiographic interpretation-I 1 hour
7 Radiographic artifacts 2 hour
8 Radiographic features of common pathologies of jaw bones (cysts, tumors, fibro osseous diseases, metabolic, endocrine, nutritional blood disorders) 1 hour
9 Maxillary sinus disease (Radiology) 1 hour
10 TMJ Radiography 1 hour
11 Trauma Radiology 1 hour
12 Biologic effects of radiation & radiation protection 1 hour
13 Principles of radiotherapy – perparation of patient for oral radiotherapy management of post radiation oral complications. 1 hour
14 Principles of extra oral radiography – techniques, indications- lecture & clinical demo (not for exams) 1 hour
15 Contrast radiography- technique & interpretation of Sialography, Cystography, Anthrography, Angiography – lecture & clinical demo (not for exams) 1 hour
16 Advanced radiographic techniques – Panoramic radiography, cephalometric radiography, CT scans, PET scans, Radionucleide diagnosis, Digital radiography, RVG. 1 hour

     In III Year – 40 hrs
     In IV Year –70 hrs