I. Proposals for internal assessment (UG) –
Theory –
1. Three question papers and the number of exam going students to be
submitted one day before the exam by the department to principal
or head of the committee .one of the paper will be selected by the
principal or head of the IQAC and the printed question papers will be
given to the examination hall or the Incharge
2. Internal assessment in charge – room invigilator, examination room
to be decided
3. Internal assessment exam hall Incharge will receive and distribute
the papers to the students
4. One room invigilator will be posted ( List prepared by the office )
5. The answer scripts will be sent / to be collected from the exam hall
by the concerned department for evaluation.
6. Results to be submitted within one week to the result analysis
committee and display on the office notice board ( for one week)
Practical/Clinicals :
1. To be standardized and centralized.
2. To be taken /conducted during the class hours within one week of
the theory exam completion and evaluation.
3. Staff can discuss the valued paper with the students during the
Viva-Voce and any grievance/domain lag may be noted and
communicated to Examination committee.
4. OSPE/OSCE type of arrangement may be started for standardization
5. Viva cards may be made by the Department. Cards will have 10-15 questions and the cards will be picked up by the students themselves.
a. As the assessment is to done throughout the year and it is an overall
assessment, department can choose to distribute marks under different
categories in order to motivate the students
Ex : Theory / Practicals ; attendance ; submissions ; quota completion;
end posting evaluation ; skills; obedience; sincerity; discipline
b. Question papers to be set as per the RGUHS guidelines to cover –
– Must Know
– Good know
– Desirable to know
– Marks split up to be mentioned explicitly
– Domain based questions
c. Evaluation – 2 teachers may evaluate and take an average.
d. To maintain an Internal Assessment marks register in the following
Sl.No Student
Theory Practicals Any other
First suggestions
e. Final Internal assessment marks sent to the University
f. Internal assessments in charge – Dr. Ashok
PG Exams Internals
Internal theory – centralized- three exams.to discuss
Internal clinical exams- centralized – Dates, Hospitality and Transport
Remuneration -To be decided
Funds for Mock exam- ??
University exams
PG university practical exam – Hospitality- Dinner on first day- to discuss
with HOD’s and PG students
1. Hall ticket verification
2. Theory- invigilation,-Dr Harish
3. Evaluation ( Digital)-Dr Harish
4. Practicals/Clinicals- Dr Natraj
5. Stationary &Hospitality – Dr Natraj
6. Uploading of marks – Mr Ravi
7. Submission to university – Mr Williams
8. Examiners- Appointment of Internal Examiners
(Not more than 3 consecutive exams may be handled by same examiner)
9. Internal examiner to report to HOD/Principal
10. List of external examiners ( to check in the RGUHS examiners panel)
RGUHS schedule
Meeting of HOD’s to fix dates and examiners
Contacting examiners after being confirmed by the Dept. – Dr Natraj,
Transport- Dr Natraj (Mr.Raghuram)
Accommodation- Dr Natraj (Sripriya Madam)
Hospitality- Dr Natraj (Sirish- Menu, No. of Plates etc)
University examination in charge